30 Creative pregnancy photo ideas

Key points

Capturing milestones.

Actually, documenting how your body changes each month is really cool to look back on. Things like showing your growing bump or noticing stretch marks develop.

Loving snapshots.

Getting pictures of you and your partner being cute together is always nice to have. Whether it’s sweet kisses on your tummy or laughing together during an ultrasound.

Fun themes.

Dress up baby bump photos can be hilarious if you’re into that sorta thing. Like wearing a big pineapple slice costume or putting googly eyes on your stomach. Babies love a good laugh!


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Classic Belly Shots


An all-time pregnancy favorite iz the classic belly shot. And you cant go wrong with a close-up photo of mom’s bump, specially if its one of the later months when the baby iz really showin! Buy mom a cute top that shows off the bump good. An have mom place a hand on the belly or hold a sign sayin’ how many weeks along she iz. These pics make mom feel good about her belly, an you’ll love lookin at ’em after the babys born!

Side Profile: Show off the baby bump with a side profile shot.


A side profile pic shows everythin – the curve of the belly, how it’s startin to push mom’s clothes out.

Pose mom with one hand on her hip like she’s owning that belly.


This view really lets you see how round an proud her bump is gettin. Mom may feel self-conscious about how big her belly looks from the side, so make sure to tell her how beautiful she looks heavy with new life. These photos are so special to look at later!

Hands on Belly: Have both parents place their hands on the belly to form a heart shape or simply cradle the bump.


A sweet idea is a shot of both parents’ hands on mom’s belly. Shape yer hands like a heart over the bump to show the love for baby growin inside. Or just have dad cradle mom’s belly gentle-like. Mom will love lookin back at pics of her and baby’s daddy bonded through her preggo tummy. Snap some close and some farther back so you can see their smiling faces next to each other. These photos say it all about your little family.

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Nature Settings


Nature is actually always a good choice for pregnancy photos. The greenery and flowers in a garden or park will provide a beautiful backdrop. Actually, you really can’t go wrong snapping some pics while walking through the tulips or roses. Maybe stop to pick a few flowers for that all-natural touch!

Sunset/Sunrise: Capture the golden hour light for a soft, glowing effect.


But catching the sunset or sunrise provides super dreamy lighting. Hopefully the weather cooperates! It really will make your bump look like it’s glowing. Sitting on the beach during golden hour? You’ll totally get those magical pics you’ll forever treasure.

In a Garden or Park: Use the natural greenery and flowers as a beautiful backdrop.

You know, gardens and parks always have nice greenery everywhere. Like flower bushes and trees offer pretty surroundings. And don’t forget about gardens at your local botanical place too. Those usually have huge fields of blooms that will look nice behind your bump.

Beach: The ocean and sand can create a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

Also, who doesn’t love the beach, yeah? Wearing a cute sundress with your toes in the sand will be super relaxing photos. Maybe find a quiet spot by the water to sit a spell. The ocean sounds will seriously calm your nerves after a long day. Pictures like that will forever remind you of calm before baby arrives!

Seasonal Themes

And springtime, the flowers blooming everywhere. Actually, it’s really beautiful when everything starting to grow again after winter. Hopefully getting some nice photos surrounded by colorful flowers, but actually it probably be kinda hard not to get distracted looking at them!

Summer: Light and airy dresses with a bright, sunny backdrop.


Then summer, we gonna find some pretty sundresses and get some photos in the nice warm sun. But summer also means it’s hot sometimes, so breaks might be needed! But maybe a picnic would be cute and capture the summer vibes.

Autumn: Cozy sweaters, scarves, and colorful leaves.

Autumn brings cozy sweaters and scarves. And the leaves! They’re absolutely stunning, like works of art. Hopefully get some shots with the bright reds and oranges before they all fall. But also maybe some indoors when it’s chilly to show the seasons changing.

Winter: Snowy scenes with warm, cozy clothing.


Winter means playing in the snow! Although it be cold, we find ways to stay warm and get festive. So bundle up nice and take some photos outside and see the wonder of winter. And also some funny contrast shots between big belly and the snow could be nice too!

At Home


And taking pictures in yer own home is real easy too. Like layin’ the baby right on the couch or prop them up with some pillows on the floor. You can even do cute shots of them nappin’ on the bed next to you. It feels all cozy and shows the little one gettin’ comfortable where you are.

Nursery: Capture the excitement of the soon-to-arrive baby in their future room.

Decor Details

The nursery is perfect for pictures now it’s all fixed up and waitin’ for bub. Snap some close ups of all the cute decorations and gear you got ready. Like them plush toys lined up or the tiny socks hangin’ on the drawers. It’s really nice to look back and see how much effort you put in to make it just right for your baby.

Baby’s First Crib


But of course nothin’ is more important than getting a shot of the crib. Lay some fuzzy blankets in there and smoosh some pillows around so it looks all cozy and invitin’. May as well stick a cute stuffed animal in too for fun. That way you can always remember how tiny they was when they first slept there.

Cozy Bed Shots: Relaxed and intimate photos on the bed, perhaps with soft blankets and pillows.


The bed is a real nice spot to cuddle up with bub for pictures. You can wrap them up in a fluffy blanket and just gaze at each other all sweet. Throw a few pillows around too so you both look real comfy. Maybe even take a selfie together in bed for the memories. It just feels peaceful being close like that.

Siblings and Pets


And including any older siblings could actually highlight their excitement as well. You could have them holding a “Big Brother” or “Big Sister” sign, actually showing how much they are looking forward too the baby’s arrival. Hopfully it captures that fun family dynamic.

Pets: Incorporate your furry family members in the shoot.


But your pets should definitely be a part of the photos too! Although they might not understand what’s happening, your dog or cat is still a important part of the family, too. You could have silly photos of them “protecting” mom’s belly, or the pet looking curiously at it. It’s able to show your whole crew – even the ones covered in fur!



Actually, backlit silhouettes is a really cool pregnancy photo idea. And, it allows you to showcase your bump without showing too many details. You can do it anywhere, butting finding a window with natural light works well. Or, but you can also use a lamp or flashlight behind you at night. The light shines through creating a dramatic dark silhouette of your profile. It highlights the curve of your belly beautifully. You can pose casually, gazing outside or sitting with your hand on your bump. The black shadow draws all the attention to your changing shape. Silhouettes are always really artsy photos too. Plus, and they’re easy to set up yourself.

Creative Props

Actually, baby shoes is a lovely idea to show the babys size. it also make for some very sweet pictures, showing just how tiny their feet will be. And babies feet are just about the cutest thing, so highlighting them with a pair of mini shoes actually can capture that really well.

“Sonogram Photos: Hold up sonogram images to show the baby’s first picture.”


Sonogram photos is another great way bring the baby’s first images into the photos. like holding the ultrasound to your bump actually helps set the scene for who’s in there. Plus you gotta appreciate the little blobs in sonogram pics, considering how clear they get later.

“Chalkboard Signs: Use signs to display the due date, baby’s name, or fun messages.”


Chalkboards are a really cute touch, but you gotta be willing to change the message as things progress. Like your due date could end up being totally different that you planned. But it’s a nice way to maybe drop hints about names your thinking too. So really it’s about capturing these special moments in a fun, creative way.

Maternity Dresses


Maternity dresses but are super flattering and show off the bump beautifully. Flowy gowns look so cool and dreamy, which is actually perfect for pregnancy photo sessions. Long, loose dresses highlight your changing body in a really flattering way versus tight clothing. You can find lots that cinch under the bust too for definition. And don’t feel afraid to get one that’s a little fancy – you can totally enjoy your pregnancy with a gown!

“Flowy Gowns: Long, flowing dresses that highlight the bump can create a dreamy, ethereal look.”


Flowy gowns is really where it’s at for maternity photos! They are so pretty and move with you so nice. The silky fabrics flow in the wind all dreamy-like. You look ethereal in them, like some sort of goddess. It’s a really beautiful look for pictures. You feel like a literal queen in a flowy gown. And your bump is on full display in the sweetest way. Win win!

“Form-Fitting Outfits: Show off the bump with a tight, stretchy dress or top.”


Stretchy dresses or tops that show off your bump can look really cute too but. The lycra hug your belly in all the right places. You can find sleeveless or short sleeved ones if it’s warm out too. Leggings always work great with a fitted top, it’s a comfy combo. And it lets everyone see your belly in all it’s glory! The fabric is thin enough it doesn’t absorb sunlight too neither, helpful for staying cool on a hot day. Form fitting clothes make taking pics outside real easy breezy too.

Couple Shots


Capture candid moments actually between the two of you. But hopefully try laughing together or fixing each other’s hair. Maybe even pose sitting side by side, holding hands with the bump. And those little everyday actions will become precious memories after baby comes.

Embrace: Capture tender moments between the parents-to-be.


Fix a shot of you hugging, kissing or having your hands on the belly. But go with the flow – don’t try too hard with certain poses hopefully. maybe even go barefoot for a casual, comfortable feel. And those natural embraces will mean more than forced photos actually.

Kissing the Belly: Have the partner kiss or talk to the belly.


This one’s big for sure. Try going bare thighs for skin on skin contact. But speaking sweet nothings or planting kisses on the bump can be a big moment. Hopefully capture that special connection taking place. And later baby will love looking back at how much they were already loved from the start.

Milk Bath


Actually, a floral milk bath is truly a gorgeous and soothing idea for pregnancy photos. And the best part about it is how easy it is! Rather than spend a ton of time trying to come up with something totally elaborate, a floral milk bath is simple but so so pretty. You can fill up your tub with a few inches of warm milk – ideally whole or 2% milk will mix the best. Hopefully goat or cow’s milk would work great. Then just grab some flowers, like roses or tulips, that will float real nice on the surface. Place the flowers all around you while you relax in the bath. It creates such a soft, romantic scene. Not to mention, some folks believe milk is actually good for skin during pregnancy.

Honestly, the photo opportunities are endless with this concept – you could grab different flowers and swap them in and out, or lay back and put a flower or two on your belly. Maybe even light some candles nearby! It’s definitely a memorable way to capture the beauty of your pregnancy journey. And fixing it all up doesn’t need to take much time at all – it’s so easy on you since it’s just pouring in some milk and decorating with blooms. Really, the floral milk bath is a dreamy addition for any maternity or newborn photo session looking to incorporate a serene, delicate theme.



Actually, if you got access to a pool, underwater shots can make for a unique photo idea. And the ethereal effect of being underwater but still seeing clearly sometimes is pretty cool. Maybe have the mama-to-be floating with her bump under the water. Or laying on a raft or float with just her belly peeking out of the water. But be careful – hopefully she can swim good! Don’t want no slipping accidents.

Tips for Underwater Photography

Some things to remember for easy underwater shots: Make sure to use a waterproof camera so it don’t get ruined. And have plenty of light, like illuminating the pool area bright, so all get captured clearly. But move slower underwater too – motions look different when submerged. Hopefully it all turns out magical! Gotta get someone to help snap the shutter too, unless using a waterproof remote or timer. But mainly just be safe and have fun making cool memories.

Black and White


Black and white photos really do have such a classic look to them, you know? And honestly, with maternity photos you want that timeless feel. Like, you don’t want to look back in 20 years and think the outfits you wore and any trends you followed look so dated. Black and white fixes that, for sure. Photos will still look elegant even years from now. Actually, some of the most memorable photos from like decades ago are in black and white, you gotta admit. They really just have that nostalgic vibe to them that color photos don’t always have. So if you’re going for photos your kids or grandkids will cherish decades from now, black and white is definitely the way to go, in my opinion.

It’s also pretty easy to use black and white to your advantage in terms of doing creative poses or capturing sweet moments. For one, the lack of color frees the photo from being tied to certain trends or time periods. You can focus more on the silhouettes, shadows and lighting. It really allows the shapes and textures in the photo to shine through. And without colors competing for attention, little meaningful details really stand out more. You can also do things like layer sheer, wispy fabrics that don’t pop as much in color photos but look stunning in black and white. So it honestly opens up more options for creative compositions and shots. Photographers can, like, play with contrasts and shadows in more dramatic ways too.

Honestly even just printing one or two black and white shots in your maternity photos could totally make them. It adds such a cool classic artistic touch that will really make the photos stand the test of time, in my opinion. Who doesn’t love a good moody black and white shot, right? And like I said, you’ll definitely be happy you have ones like that years from now when some of the more trendy color shots may not age as well. So I’d say it’s definitely worth trying out if you want photos the whole family can treasure forever.

Sports or Hobbies


And if you’re really into soccer or basketball, actually incorporate a ball or other elements from that sport in your maternity pictures. Maybe grab your favorite team’s jersey or ball and hold it or pose with it. But you could also get creative and do things like pretending to kick a ball with your baby bump or lay out all your sports gear for a photo. And hopefully your hobby is something you can include your growing bump in somehow.



For example, if you love to hike or be outdoors, get pictures taken somewhere scenic like a trail or at the beach. You could also bring your favorite hiking shoes, water bottle, or layer up like you would for a hike. Or if you’re an avid runner, pose in your favorite running clothes or sneakers with a sign listing distances you’ve run. And just fix your outfit or props to match your interest.

Get Creative


So don’t be afraid to get imaginative! If you have an unusual hobby, think outside the box for ways to incorporate meaningful objects, motifs, or symbols representing it. Like maybe if you enjoy knitting, take pictures with yarn and knitting needles laid out artistically or even holding a nearly completed baby blanket or hat. Or if you’re passionate about gardening, pose amid flowers or veggies with gardening gloves and a sun hat. But just chase after ways to express your unique personality and interests through these commemorating pregnancy pictures.

Everyday Moments


And everyday moments actually make for some of the best photos. so don’t be thinking you gotta do something big all the time. Capture her relaxing with her feet up or drinking her morning coffee, even. Take photos of the small stuff she does every day. Moments like reading to the belly or looking at photos can be really special to look back on later. Actually, try taking candid photos too, when she doesn’t know you’re taking a picture. Those shots where she’s laughing with a friend or deep in thought sometimes turn out the best! You can even try getting some laid-back pictures of her at the park or just hanging out at home. The casual pics really help show how she’s feeling day to day through her pregnancy.

Milestone Progression


Actually, monthly photos really allow and to see how much your bump grows. Plus, but it’s a really fun project and to look back on and later. Hopefully it shows your little one growing and changing each month and inside! Taking monthly photos though in the same outfit honestly helps and to really see the changes in your body month to month. And you can really pick out how big your belly gets from month to month, rather than just looking at random photos. Don’t forget though to get comfortable clothes for the progression photos that you don’t mind your belly sticking out in each month!

So like monthly progression pictures actually allows you and to clearly see how big your bump grows each month. You can really see the changes in your body over time rather than just random photos each time. It’s cool too and to look back on later and see how much bigger your belly gets.

Just be sure and wear comfortable clothes you don’t mind showing your belly in each time. The photos will basically tell the story of your baby’s growth over the months inside you. So don’t forget to do the monthly photos!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What time of day is best for getting family photos took at the beach?

Morning and evening are usually best for beach family photos. The low sunlight during golden hour creates beautiful, soft lighting that don’t cast harsh shadows. Shoulder seasons like spring and fall are good too, when the weather is nice but not too hot. Look for a cloudy day or indirectly lit area if shooting midday.

How can you include pets in family photos without them misbehaving?

If you have a pet owner and want to include furry family members, it takes some practice. First, don’t stress the pet out before the shoot. Then try treating or toys to keep them focused during photos. Working with your pet photographer, plan short posing sessions with breaks in between. It helps to have the pet’s favorite people there too for reassurance. Be patient – you’ll get those cute pet portraits!

What's a fun background for family photos with a newborn during Christmas time?

A super cute backdrop idea for newborn Christmas family photos is a Christmas tree farm. The varying sizes of real trees makes a beautiful natural setting. Stringing holiday lights among the trees adds a magical vibe. Look for a tree farm that allows photography and capture your bundles of joy under the branches. Bring props too like plaid blankets, Christmas onesies or reindeer antlers for baby.

Any tips for dressing a family of different ages for portraits?

When choosing outfits for a multi-generational family portrait, look for pieces that tie into a shared color palette or theme but allow for individual expression. For example, shades of emerald and gold would work for fall. Grandma might wear an emerald top, mom a gold dress, daddy a gold button-up, and the kids in layered green and gold. Style it casual so all feeling cozy. Focus on complementing each other versus matching exactly.

What kind of family photo would make a great birthday gift for Mom?

One truly special birthday gift for mom is a framed family portrait. A pic of the whole clan gathered around mom on her special day would be so meaningful. Something casual snapped during a birthday celebration shows how much you all love her. You could also set up a more formal portrait session at her fave photo spot. Hire a lifestyle photographer to capture funny and relaxed moments. The photo is sure to put a smile on mom’s face every time she looks at it!

Any ideas for unique family photos that include a person's pet?

Here’s a cute pet portrait idea – dress up baby in a matching outfit to Fido. Snap shots of them cuddling or baby giggling as pup gives kisses. You could also create a autumnal scene under trees with golden leaves. Place baby in a cozy woven basket and nestle in furry friend. Bring along your dog’s favorite toy for playful shots. Be sure to work with a pet photographer who can tease engaging expressions from man’s best friend. The paired pics will be treasured for years.

What are some locations ideal for outdoor family portraits during different seasons?

Every season offers lovely spots for photographs. Spring blooms at parks and gardens. Summer fun at a colorful poppy field or at the beach with seascapes behind you. During fall, an orchard heavy with apples creates gorgeous portraits amongst the trees. For winter, bundle up near frosted evergreens, candlit downtown areas strung with twinkle lights, or by a golden field dusted with snow. Scout locations letting nature enhance your smiling family snapshots each time of year.

How can you include extended family in photos when not everyone can be together?

When family members are long distance, try coordinating a family photo session or schedule multiple mini-sessions on video chat so your photographer can virtually ‘be there’ for everyone. Your loved ones can still hold props or stand in front of unique backdrops relevant to their location. Later, your photographer can seamlessly composite individual shots together to create a special full-family portrait everyone can cherish.

What colors work well for indoor black and white family photos?

For black and white indoor portraits, study monochromatic color schemes. Rich shades that contrast likecream, charcoal, or robins egg blue photographed in grayscale will stand out beautifully. Patterned textures create interest too -think fuzzy blankets, woven baskets or marbled tiles. Natural elements grant dimensionality, so dot greens with roses or layer fabrics. Experiment lighting with window light, diffused flash or neutral grain for expressive black and white images your whole family will love.

How can you add some fun to family photos taken around the house?

To make indoor shots playful, embrace the random! Set up in the backyard with slip n’ slides, sprinklers or bubbles. Transform your living room into a musical stage with toy instruments. Turn daily chores like folding laundry enjoyable by everyone joining in. Assign funny family roles and document scenarios you create. Your photographer can also instruct poses to capture essences of you all. Interactive shots around the house preserve candid memories in a creative yet comfortable setting for the whole clan.