At we are dedicated to providing free education and reviews on photography and videography. Our editors and writers are all seasoned photographers from around the world some with over 20 years of experience. is one of the fastest-growing photography & videography websites online. Our tutorials and reviews have helped 1000s of photographers worldwide better their craft and produce better videos and photos.

Jeff Fishel
CEO & Owner
With over 25+ years in photography, Jeff has set out to provide a complete resource of photography material on the internet, which is how was born.
Jeff has been doing photography since the 1980s and has taken all types of photos imaginable. His goal is to help provide educational resources to future photographers so that they can jump-start their photography careers.

Rachel Noël
Writer & Contributor
With over 10+ years of experience as a photographer. Rachel is one of the top photographers in the UK. She does a wide range of photography. From travel photos to portrait photos, she does it all.
Her vast array of knowledge has helped many people in their photography careers. For more info, check out her LinkedIn:

Connor Kovack
Writer & Contributor
Conner is your guy if you are ever looking for a photographer or videographer in Los Angeles. From commercials, music videos, portraits, etc.
Conner has over 6+ years in the industry and has a vast array of knowledge on the subject of photography and videography that has helped thousands of people.
For more info, you can check out his LinkedIn here: